Custom products

If you have not found the packaging material that meets your needs among our existing products, or if you want to bring your merchandise to the shelves in a unique packaging, our company is open to adding new products to its palette. Our team is happy to assist you in the process of creating a new product that fits your individual specifications – if needed, we help with the mould design and provide our professional advice.
You can find us with your questions and ideas by clicking on the Contact us link below.
Please note that the photo mostly shows products designed and produced for the exclusive use of the ordering customer, therefore they might not be for sale.
Custom products
For decades, Micro-Plast has been offering a variety of products, including unique products.
Whether it’s plastic bottles, cans, other accessories or their inseparable caps, there are many unique packaging, storage and transport needs.
We have decades of manufacturing experience to help our customers.
From the very beginning, our product service has been closely linked to the manufacture and distribution of customized products designed according to individual needs.
By unique products we mean those that are not available from the manufacturer’s or distributor’s permanent assortment.
It means the development of a product or even a range of products that differ in some way from those already available from stock, and which distinguish the product in design, function and appearance from those already on the market.
In summary, it means meeting specific customer needs as they arise.
This requires flexibility on both sides, the manufacturer and the customer.
The manufacturer also needs to have the technology and capacity to produce customised products.
It must also be open to innovative ideas from customers.
Plus, it must also think with the customer in mind.
It makes sense to start manufacturing customized packaging products if it is possible to manufacture them in sufficient quantities and on a continuous basis, taking into account the costs of design, tooling, material procurement and production.
It is important to include any extra costs in the selling price of the product.
It can also be used when special requirements for the packaging of the product are unavoidable due to the filling, loading and storage parameters of the filler.
And, of course, if you want to stand out from the competition in some way, for example through extra appearance and packaging, you should also consider producing unique products.
Over the past 22 years, Micro-Plast has helped to manufacture a wide range of unique products from design to construction.
Several of these products are permanent range was also included in the later years because of their success.
Some are available only to a specific customer, for example for patent or product protection reasons.
We follow the process of creating a new product from design to production with sound professional advice based on our previous experience.
Whether it’s creating jugs, bottles, or accessories with unique geometries, the Micro-Plast team can help you overcome the challenges with the help of our trusted, experienced partners.
For products not currently in our permanent range, we can flexibly and quickly turn ideas in different sizes, colours and shapes into reality.
Our unique and permanent products, which are part of our portfolio, will soon be produced in our newly opened modern hall in Fót.
Our development project was specifically designed to continue to smoothly serve the increasing order volumes.
The electricity needs of the new building are met by renewable energy sources in the mindset of sustainable development.
Quality is guaranteed to our customers by last technology equipments.
If your company has individual needs in the field of plastic products, please do not hesitate to contact us, ask for our expert advice and help in finding the most suitable products.